I love to get free thing in the mail and doing thing on here I love making money to I like doing survey from home I love doing testing in home product testing in home
Samantha Adams9 years ago
I would love to be a tester for your products. I love loreal. Use everyday.
I would like to try some examples and the full size makeup to but is it free it you have to pay?
havent gotten a survey from them YET! I seriously think it's a waste of time.
cynthia ramirez10 years ago
I would like to try free samples
I hope to get it, but I hope the best for all members.
Waste of time. Filled out many qualifier surveys but was always rejected. Never received any products for being a member either. Not sure who their target population is to test products but I am a big costmetics/haircare/skincare buyer and do spend alot of money for beauty products
I have been a part of this panel for about 2 years, and have had about 10 surveys with nothing I've qualified for. I have not received any products either like some have said. I hope others would be more successful.
Nicole Becker11 years ago
I have never received anything from them and I have been on the panel for about 2 years now.
I signed up for this like 3 years back, and I have to say I like it!! I get chosen every know and then and you have to answer at least 5 surveys in order for them to reward you. The first time I got a lipstick, the second time khiels eye cream, with a quad eyeshadow, eyeliner. This last time I got a box full of different Lancôme makeup, khiels body things and some other stuff all worth $250 and it was just as compensation!! I still continue to answer some survey! I love doing this. (Btw it's not a lie they will chose you)
Here's to hoping I'm the right demographic for their product testing.
I signed up, but am not getting my hopes up. I get rejected for most surveys, as I do not match the "demographic" that they are looking for. Being a white 51 Y/O female, is apparently not a good thing when it comes surveys.
I am a member have been for over a yr. I have never been approved for a test but I did recieve a very nice package from them containing many full size products just for trying to do the surveys.
love to try this out!! and make videos on my youtube
mariana viesca12 years ago
I have been with this panel for almost a year. I have not qualified for any. I did receive a full size product after 5 surveys but it wasn"t even their product.
I use there makeup all the time! I love them! I'm a huge fan
Yecenia corral13 years ago
I would love to test your products becouse im a big fan of loreal .
Joined this Consumer Panel, get surveys to try out products, but never qualify for them. Have not received any products and have been with them for several months. Don't know what type of women they are looking for. Never received anything from them. Wish they would just tell us what type of individuals they want, i.e. young, old, Latina, Black, Caucasian. Waste of time for me.
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