I was frustrated as the code said it took off the mouse pad and shipping but it kept asking for my cc info. I read comments and someone suggested hitting paypal as it won't ask for cc info then. I did that and voila- instantly ordered and got order # too! THank you Jeff.
Hella Jeff12 years ago
If you select paypal, you don't have to enter your card info, or go to the paypal page.
Cody12 years ago
Offer is now invalid, expired time, ended today.
connie12 years ago
please send me the free mouse pad THANK YOU so much.
linda12 years ago
Its ask for your card info but it dont charge your card
linda12 years ago
i tried but my code keeps saying daily limit reached i have tried for 3 days
Joy12 years ago
I have tried three times and it won't let me sign up or check out.
Johy12 years ago
Must enter credit card info.
Cindy12 years ago
I got the code, but it's asking me for my cc info
linda12 years ago
need to like the facebook page then order and log in. to get code on fb
cathy12 years ago
just got it. working fine now! TY
AL12 years ago
Got the Code, Created the Pad, and then was told the code was invalid...ugh, what am I doing wrong????
Danny12 years ago
How and where can i activate this code they gave me in facebook?
Kat12 years ago
Coupon code is ZXNKWEK
nate12 years ago
Someone plz respond what is the coupon code to get it free
Jessie12 years ago
Not working, how do it work.??
cathy12 years ago
Please Sind me the free mouse pad thank you
Leandra12 years ago
Says to "take down the coupon code" to get it for free on the site, but they don't list one.
Ashley12 years ago
It's pretty cool and so are the cards but both my bank accounts won't let me purchase b/c it's overseas in Hong Kong... I even called and they would lift it so I guess I don't get either! =(
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