SafeLink Wireless: Free Cell Phone and Free Minutes
SafeLink Wireless is a government supported program that provides a free cell phone and airtime each month for income-eligible customers. Visit this offer to see if your state participating and apply.
My brother needs it to call home we are in grand island Nebraska
Freddy10 years ago
My brother needs one to call family and we are in grand island nebraska
Freddy10 years ago
My brother needs a phone to call my family
jordan iseley10 years ago
I need a phone really badly to call and text friends and family.
Melvin williams10 years ago
my son need a phone
lyric10 years ago
thank you
Tonya mccullars10 years ago
please send
Marissa10 years ago
I have safelink. With having to go to the doctors 3times a month is was nice having that on hand. You have to show proof that your on some kind of assistance in order to be qualified. They also have more then safelink for government phones.
Donna13 years ago
Any one get mediaid or food stamp or energy assience can get the free phone with charger you get 250.00 min free every month they do add 250 min to your cell phone. if you get low on min top up get 20.00 750 min and 1000 text that is cheap way i live in iowa.
DM14 years ago
It isn't fake. As long as your state offers it and the person is getting some sort of government assistance then they send you a free phone and reload so many minutes on it each month for you for FREE. Maybe it's just in OREGON that it's specifically that way. idk cause in Florida it isn't like that, Melissa.
tiffy14 years ago
I signed up for this like a year ago because I'm disabled and got a free phone and I get 250mins a month the bad thing is its a trakphone it cost so much to buy mins I just don't use it much it works for Illinois area and mo
melissa14 years ago
FAKE! an example of this "offer" in oregon they will pay UP TO $13.50 and only through certain carriers.
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