Overstock.com: Free Club O Membership for Military Personnel ($19.95 Value)
Free Club O Membership for Military Personnel (Active, Retired or Reserve) - Being a part of any branch of the United States Military qualifies you for this great offer.
Numerous web pages state O.CO's offer is open to Active, Retired and Reserve personnel. They request a .mil account. Only Active Military have .mil accounts. So why give up on this offer if you are not Active military? Do what I just did moments ago and e-mail militaryclubo@overstock.com and explain this to them. After all, their offer does state that it applies to Active, Retired and Reserve. Have them make good on their offer!! Where would the Military be if we just gave up?
rubyeagle14 years ago
Ditto....pretty absurd
tabele732814 years ago
According to the website you must have a .mil email address. How many retiree's still have a .mil email address? I know I don't. I can't take advantage of this one.
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