Free Morton Table Salt

Free Morton Table Salt
SavingStar is offering new freebie today - Free 26 oz. container of Morton® Plain or Iodized Table Salt. Expires 4/26.

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I laugh at you
You ONLY use mortons? It's your favorite brand?

Hate to break it to you, but salt is salt. It's Sodium Hydrochloride, there is no difference when you add a brand name. Unless it's been doctored by something, it should just be just one ingredient pulled out of the Earth by machines or from a desalinization plant.

I'll take the free salt, but you've been suckered if you're paying $1.50 for the same thing you can buy for $0.35
Lee K.
My only problem with ordering this salt was that on the webpage where you put in your personal info, my computer Flagged this site w/the "https" in red & crossed out, meaning that the site was unprotected!!I am always leery about giving any personal info to a non-protected site!! If not for that, I sure would have ordered it..
betty warman
love morton salt i us it all the time
Sean Harrison
I love Morton's salt, a few times my store was out an I choose another brand. It was clear after the first use that the salt was not the same. I didn't like the chemical after taste and I threw out the salt and went to another store to buy Morton's.
tangela mckinnon
This is my favorite brand, nothing else compared to it.
nancy mcdowell
We only use Morton's salt.I Love it
Melissa Knowles
Louise Brugger
love Morton salt would like some free thank you as I love to cook
Kaci Ethridge
Only use Morton's
Arelina Briones
This is awesome I am a stay at home mom and I love to cook for my children always trying new things!