I dont believe in spanking I never ever touched my kids it is not right talking is much better thanks
about those stickers I tried to order them with there email it just kept coming back as undeliverable but i did try feedback so maybe that will work just wanted you to know
Spanking kids is just wrong
It's all about discipline, not punishment. We want to train our kids, not just inflict penalty as retribution for an offense (loosely quoting dictionary here).
Spanking as a form of discipline is all well and good if you know what you're doing, but so many people use it reactively instead of proactively. Frankly, spanking just doesn't work for me. I use the "1, 2, 3 Magic" method, and have found it much more helpful. It's also easier to keep my cool in tense situations. =)
There are plenty of disciplinary methods out there; the key is to remain consistent. Stick to your guns, as it were. Find something that works for you and you don't HAVE to spank. Then you don't have to defend your methods. Also, your children are less likely to have anger management issues.
Good luck!
Physical violence is primitive and immature. It's the 21st century and we are still acting like savage animals. If you are an adult and you feel you have to hit a child to get them to behave, then you are neither in control of them nor yourself. Children are sponges who take in everything they see and experience and it's those things that shape their behavior in the future. Solving our disagreements with our children with violence teaches our children to solve their problems with violence.
I wasn't even going to comment on this until I saw this:
"anyone else see a correlation between those who support spanking and their lack of grammar skills?"
I think that it's okay to spank your child to teach them something as long as its not abuse and they understand you still love them. I also know how to use proper grammar. I am a highly educated individual and I've done my research. Maybe you should open up your mind a little bit and do some research of your own. Until then, you have no right to judge.
Oh, and "anyone" should be capitalized, it is the beginning of a sentence.
My own two cents on the subject before it gets old: if you spank a child, you are not teaching them discipline but rather you are teaching them to fear you.
anyone else see a correlation between those who support spanking and their lack of grammar skills?
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
I do what i do your opinion dont matter to me!13 years ago
A little spanking wont hurt nobody...if i have to spank my child than i will and i dont care what nobody says cause everybody has their own opinion and no no matter what there opinion is i dont care cause i will still do what i want to do after all its MY CHILD! Lol
There is a huge difference between a spanking and a beating. I'll spank my child anytime it's necessary no matter where we are and she knows it. Guess who's child doesn't act out and cry and scream when she doesn't get her way and guess who doesn't have to beg and plead with their child just to get a simple task done.
And why don't you do a little research on how spanking affects your kids? Are you afraid u might learn something?! You just want to take the lazy way out and how nice of a feeling when ur kids r scared of u and don't feel comfortable to ever come to u for anything.
WOW!!! You all love teaching kids that it's the right thing by hitting. Go to parenting classes and they'll teach you how to punish your kids but you wouldn't have to punish them if you taught them the right thing to begin with.
Since we're on opinions.... I love stickers!
Alright i usually post a pun of some sort but i will insert my opinion for once. Spanking a kid is far more effective than telling them to go sit in a corner. If you force isolation among them they will contemplate what they did to get caught, not why it was wrong to do that. Same reason why convicts will sometimes leave prison worse than before they were incarcerated the first time.
Spank yo kidz13 years ago
Spanking a child is not abuse. It teaches them right from wrong. When i got my ass swatted i sure as hell did not do w/e it was that got my but spanked again!
U should not be told that they can't spank kids how are they going to get punished then
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