Free Books from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Free Books from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
If there is a sponsor available for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library in your area, you can sign up your child to receive a free book every month in the mail for kids birth to 5 years old. US, Canada, UK. Visit this offer, select your country, navigate to "first time visitors" section and check your address. Thanks Ryan.

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I would love to have this for my grandson
Just love books.
Sherrie Andrews
The sight won't let me sign up my grand daughter.
I have this for all 3 of my kids. Free for Tennessee. Kids love there books, stops at age 5.
Not available for Jeffersonville Indiana
my daughter is in that program. she hasn't recieved a book since she turned one. almost a year ago. it isn't worth signing up for.
We do not have one in our area. Which is Fremont, CA